Ancient Secrets Of Immortality And Reincarnation

Napoleon Hill and others have said that one of the secrets to success is to transmute your sexual energy into creative business energy. Feel the power of your love and sexual energy in your forehead. In a harmonious relationship stress levels are able to be controlled and this means the energy that goes into being spent in stressing out can now be used in the art of sex transmutation. These 13 steps are desire, faith, autosuggestion, specialized knowledge, imagination, organized planning, decision, persistence, the power of the master mind, the mystery of sex transmutation, the subconscious mind, the brain, and the sixth sense.

But, of the seven deadly or capital vices - capital from the Latin 'caput' meaning 'head' as opposed to heart - the most powerful component responsible for most reincarnations is undoubtedly the emotion of lust, the non-disciplined sexual desires of carnal mind activity.

And here also, we find where 98% of people give up. And so, I would like to deliver to you my attempt at how to get that white heat of desire, that burning passion, that rocket healing love fuel so that the percentage of drop outs may decrease. The author goes on to say that because most men are so deeply distracted by this overwhelming force of nature that most spectacularly successful men will not fully release their full potential until later in life.

Very few fully understand the whole process and how beneficial overcoming the addiction to conventional orgasm can be, let alone even have the slightest notion that the common craving for basic sex is in fact a built-in biochemical addiction involving mainly the neurohormones dopamine (the sexual excitation neurotransmitter) and prolactin (the sexual satiation hormone).

Guru Baba explains that the mechanism of the "aah" meditation is moving the creative energy from the sexual chakra to the upper chakras using the creative sound of "aah." He speaks of using the sound to move the energy up through each of the chakras leading eventually to the forehead chakra.

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